Motivation of novice photographers
Travel - This snail comes from Indonesia. yellow combination white is found in the body of the snail. The shell pattern is not much different from other land slugs in Southeast Asia. The life of white snails in the wild is a bit unique. We found among the riverbank rocks. This is the latest photo of the snail that we caught the camera at that time. The photography hobby is very much in love with nature or unique categories of objects, one of which is Photography of wildlife or natural scenery. The object for our model is not just humans. handsome or beautiful, black or white skin, even brown skin, is not a determinant of being a successful photographer. Many groups of wildlife photographer or pet hobbyists, flower categories, nature, panorama, etc. are still many enthusiasts to capture in a photographic work. Expand and master the object to capture in a photo, so that our hobbies are honed and a lot of insights from various types and groups. Don't get bored being a ...